Hotel Krämerbrücke

Hotel Krämerbrücke Erfurt

How to find us

Hotel Krämerbrücke Erfurt GmbH & Co. KG
Gotthardtstraße 27 (across from Schottengasse 1)
99084 Erfurt
Phone +49 (0) 361 67400
Fax +49 (0) 361 6740444

Decimal degree
Latitude: 50.9791137
Longitude: 11.0313863

Degrees, minutes, seconds
Latitude: N 50° 58′ 44.809″
Longitude: O 11° 1′ 52.99″

If you cannot find our address, enter Schottengasse 1 in the navigation system. This is located opposite the hotel and exactly opposite our garage entrance.

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